Getting Ready for Your Exam
It is extremely important that you follow these instructions for your exam.
Our MRI equipment helps diagnose a wide range of brain and spine conditions
Excellence in diagnostic imaging, with a comfortable environment.
Learn how to prepare for your MRI appointment at our center.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging diagnostic system using radio waves, a magnetic field, and a computer to visualize internal organs of the human body and obtain diagnostic information.
What to Expect During Your Appointment

Occasional Noise : You will hear occasional noise. Do not be alarmed as these sounds are normal.
Metallic Materials : l metallic materials and certain clothing around the body should be removed as they may interfere with the procedure or clarity of the images.
Short Exam Time : An MRI exam typically takes less than one hour, depending on the images requested.
Contrast Agent : If request by your physician, you may receive a harmless contrast agent injection which is used to acquire a clearer picture.
Remaining Still : Help us ensure picture clarity by remaining still and by breathing normally while the magnet operates.
Get Your Results : Our center will contact your physician once your images are produced. Only your physician can discuss your results with you.
* Please arrive 30 minutes early
Common MRI Applications
MRI exams are quick and safe, and the images produced by MRI scans provide some of the most details pictures available of the human body. Specifically, doctors find MRI images particularly helpful in evaluating and treating the following conditions:
- Brain Disorders
- Abdominal Disease
- Spine Disease
- Infections
- Tumors
- Cardiac Malformations
- Blood flow and vessel disorders — Musculoskeletal disorders
It is extremely important that you follow these instructions for your exam.
Wearing Of Accessories
You will be asked to remove all jewelry, glasses, hearing aids, hair pins, and other metallic objects. We provide you with your own locker for your belongings. You may also be asked to remove dentures and wigs.
Clothing For The Exam
For your convenience, please dress appropriately. Consider wearing comfortable clothing that does not have any zippers, clasps, or metallic decoration. You may be asked to wear a cloth gown.
Taking Medications
You may continue to take any medication prescribed by your doctor, unless otherwise directed. The only exception is MRI of the Abdomen.
Eating Normally
Prior to your exam you may eat normally.
Alert Your Physician or Our Clinic Staff Member
Women should always inform their physician and technologist if they are breastfeeding or possibly pregnant. You should alert your physician or staff member, if you have any metallic implants or any item from this list:
- Neurostimulator (TENS unit)
- Surgical Staples
- Shrapnel or Bullet wounds
- Aneurysm Clips
- Internal defibrillator
- Pacemaker
- Implanted drug infusion devise
- Permanent Eyeliner
- Any other metallic implants